PBC Editor Files

Jeff Pasley

New Member
This may be a Vista operating system issue, even though I've exhausted the hidden file scenarios, but here's my issue. Hopefully, someone has ran into this.

I'm attempting to load files onto another computer. In the "old" laptop, while actually in the PBCeditor program, when either opening or saveas-ing a project, I can see ALL .rjs files that I've created. When I open Explorer, NO .rjs files show up, only .dll files. I've went through the system to inhide hidden files, but still can't get the files to show up so that I can flashdrive these over to the new computer Windows 10.

Is there a PBCEditor trick I'm missing or is this strictly a Vista issue?
Not sure where it's saving them by default, but I recommend saving from the editor and selecting a different destination folder like Desktop or Documents where it's easier to find.