PC change on preset



I am new to PBC10 and trying to set up PC changes for my SA Nemesis and Ventris. Beginning with a basic setup, where PBC preset #1 changes SA to preset #1, and PBC preset #2 changes SA preset #2.

My PBC presets looks like this (for preset #2 the SA is set to change to preset #2 instead of #1)

No PC changes on Global Preset.

The Button for preset #1 on my PBC preset page looks like


PBC preset #2 looks the same.

At start up PBC preset #1 is engaged and SA is changed to preset #1, when engaging PBC preset #2 then presets on SA changes to preset #2 (like it should). When engaging PBC preset #1 the Ventris changes to preset #1, but Nemesis does not change to its preset#1.

Going back and forth from PBC preset #2 to PBC preset#3 it works as it should.

Can any one point me in the right direction?
Do you have any other sources of PC messages, maybe a button programmed to send a PC?
Do you have any other sources of PC messages, maybe a button programmed to send a PC?

On my preset page I have, beside preset buttons, an IA buttton that send PC to the SA units. This IA button is set to have the SA units change to another preset, and then go back to prevoius, when IA is turned off.
Make sure those buttons have Send on Preset Change turned off, otherwise they'll send their PC message(s) on every preset change, whether you press the button or not.