Previous MIDI command?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if there is any way to have a button recall the last program change command that was sent to a pedal?

For example, I go to a preset and the PBC send PC=10 to my BigSky. I have an IA button right now that I can press (it's on my Page 1) that will command the BigSky to go directly to a certain preset...let's call it #1. So I press this button and the BigSky goes to preset #1. I'd like to be able to press this button again and return to whatever the previous preset was that the PBC this example it was 10. Obviously it wouldn't always be the same...depends on what preset I was on when I started.

Is this possible?
Not currently possible, but I'll look into it.

Thanks Ron. I’m definitely not an expert, but seems like it wouldn’t be too hard. I used to do a lot of industrial programming (PLCs) and it would be easy to store the last Device PC command to a register for recall later in that style programming. Obviously I know nothing about the Mastermind language, so not sure if that’s possible here or not. Would be super useful though!!!
Yeah, it should be fairly easy to implement. As with many of these things, it's more of a UI issue - how to present it to the user.