Question about pages, linking to pages


New Member
Is this possible? I would like to have a set of pages that you can cycle through, say pages 1, 2 and 3. Page 1 is simple presets, page 2 is the loops page. But page 3 has IA buttons that send you to dedicated pages for midi controlled devices. For example, page 4 is a reverb and its sounds, page 5 is a delay and its sounds, page 6 for a modulation pedal, etc. Then in each of those pages there is an “exit button” that takes you back to one of the 3 main pages that are cycled through with the bank up and down buttons.
No problem, you can do that. The key is to use an IA button with a System / Page action on it. Also, make sure all of the checkbox settings are turned off, except Momentary, which should be on. For each button you create, you can specify which page it goes to when you press it. There's also a special value "Previous" that makes it return to the last page you were on.
Thanks! I have the "midi page" set up that sends me to the pages to control specific devices. As for only cycling through certain pages (1-3), Should I configure my PAGE button, instead of Page Up, to not be a global button and have it return to page 1, that way when I am on page 3, it returns to page 1. Does that make sense?
I am using an aux switch from Pedalnetics to do this. I was using one switch on it for Page up and one for Page down to free up some switches on the 6x itself.
There are two ways to set up cycling between pages, you can use IA buttons as I described above, or you can just set Min to 1 and Max to 3 on the Page button, and that will limit the pages it can access.