RGM22 doesn't "Reload" a preset.


Well-Known Member
Recently switched my XL for an XL+, basically a P&P for the RJM. However I have few issues:
On the RJM "Global" tab I checked V "Preset button 2nd press:" so I can reload the preset from its original state if I changes scenes or FX. However when pressing again the selected preset, few things happens (all wrong):
1. RJM will turn on ALL the displays in OFF state light.
2. XL+ will stay the same, if its scene #, or FX that was turned on or off, it will not change.

I can see the midi LED on the XL+ front panel flashes for a sec so the XL+ does get a midi transmit but no actual change, the XL+ stay at the same situation + if AE is open, it doesn’t go to "communication paused".
What am I missing?

Also on the XL+ I/O >> midi menu I set "Ignore redundant PC" to OFF.
Works like a charm.
Thank you so much, I've spent the whole day trying to figure that out.
However there is still one thing I canst solve, when hitting again the same preset switch, I get all the IA (FX on/off) display lights to lit like there is an actual a block in the signal chain.
For example I get the FLANGER light turned on where I don’t have a flanger block in the preset.
On the "Global" tab I set under Display Settings, Disabled button color: BLACK.
You should have Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change turned off for all of your buttons that control effect blocks.