Scene Names on Preset Page


Well-Known Member
I have an AX3 scene page setup on the LT. I have show scene names checked on the global page. I also removed the name from the scene page. As it should, the page displays the preset name at the top (where "Presets" used to be) and the scene name appears at the bottom where the preset name used to display. This page works fine.

I tried the same setup on the first preset page, and no matter how I tried to adjust settings, the preset name appears in the upper part of the display, but the scene name appears blank. The weird thing is if I choose another preset, sometimes both the preset name and display name will appear correctly. I can even go back to the original preset, and it will display correctly until I choose another preset. Or if I switch to the scene page I created, which works fine, then go back to the preset page, the preset page will display the preset and scene names correctly. However, if I choose a different preset, the scene name disappears again.

I know that I must be doing something wrong, but at this point I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.This is a great feature when it works.

Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: The issue of the scene names not displaying has not happened recently. I don't think I did anything different, but the issue seems to have resolved itself. Perhaps it was caused by a midi communication problem that I inadvertently fixed or may I changed an LT setting without realizing what I changed.

In any event, the scene names are now consistently displaying in the bottom half of the display and the preset name in the upper half of the display.