Sending Midi messages order change or delay possible?

I am programming my new Mastermind GT16 and got a small problem now.
One of my units is a VoiceLive2 VocalProcessor and switching doesn't work as expected.
Let's say I want to change from Preset 15 to 18 and turn on FX1 with a CC message.
My Problem: I can see on the VoiceLive unit that first on preset 15 FX1 is turned on and THEN the preset changes to 18 (which by default has FX1 disengaged).
When I activate "Second press = same" in the Globals menu, on second press my FX1 will be activated!
So what I need is a delay in sending the CC message or a change in the order in which the messages leave the Mastermind.
Maybe the VoiceLive is to slow in changing presets so it misunderstands its incoming midi messages...
Hope someone has an idea.
I think this is a good idea.
In the Gordius, you could add a delay after a command just for situations like this.
The GT sends messages in a predictable order, but not necessarily the order you would expect unless you know all about its internal workings. If you turn on Direct Send on the Devices page for a particular device, it will guarantee that messages in action lists are sent in the order they appear in the action lists. Maybe this will help you, maybe not. It depends on where the MIDI messages are coming from.

Delays are on the to-do list.
Ive noticed the same thing when trying to send messages in ableton. I think sometimes the hardware doesnt like accepting messages so quickly, and it needs more delay. Setting delay's like steps in an ia order with 'direct send' applied, would be freaking amazing! I use my gt16 with a voice live rack, and it is a little lacking to say the least. I blame TC helicon. I have found that its just easier to make a ton of presets that load how I want, rather than rely on changes like you are wanting. My helicon doesnt like seeing the same pc its on being recieved, it likes to refresh by switching to my previous then back quickly. NO big deal if theres no audio going, but it still seems like something to take note of. I love the voice units, but i think they prefer some very KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID setup methods. Tell me if you get your ideas to work, your solution may apply to more than one scenario I'd like to achieve.