Hi guys ... new to the forum. Just got my PBC. I need some direction (to a thread) that will address how to (if possible) have loops 7-10 wired for stereo (Mobius, Timeline, Big Sky, H9) for my rig using 2 Mesa Boogie Lonestar Specials (using the standard setup like Ron has diagramed for stereo using Insert Cables in 7-10. My question (not intended for this thread) is this; can I use my stereo rig as mono (Lonestar Specials are heavy, heavy) on the fly without changing the cabling in those specific loops. Meaning, I'd like to run stereo in my studio (and live for gigs), but for practice, I'd like to run mono using only 1 Lonestar Sepcail (the 1x12 ... it's much lighter). Please direct me to the proper thread, I've sifted through and can't seem to find the thread that addresses this scenario. I'm in the building phase and really don't want to follow the wrong wiring path. Thanks for anybody's assistance.