Recent content by scholl2512

  1. scholl2512

    Insert Y cable for PBC 6x

    I use Creation Shorty to Minicake cables on my 6x and they are awesome! That includes dual mono cables for loops 4-6 and the insert. Super easy to work with and work really well. Never had a problem and the guys at Creation are great to deal with.
  2. scholl2512

    Mastermind PBC Firmware 5.2.1 / Editor 5.2.0

    Just a heads up @rjmmusic - the PC Editor is linked to 5.1 in the above post.
  3. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Exactly what I have (minus the IA Link option checked). Will investigate. Thanks again!
  4. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Ahh, yes - that was it! Thank you @mcvittym! So strange that the H90 ships with no numbers assigned. So got everything working, although it's taking two button presses to send bypass commands. Did you happen to run into an issue like that when programming or have a screenshot of one of your...
  5. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Okay that actually did get some communication going! So the only thing I'm able to control at the moment are the Device PC + or - (that's something I hadn't tried previously). But still not able to get anything to work by using IAs/CC Actions. I feel like I'm missing something really simple...
  6. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Good to know - thanks. Will troubleshoot with Eventide and see what happens!
  7. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    It does happen to be directly connected. It sends through messages just fine, but nothing seems to help even when I try to swap midi cables or just go PBC > H90 with nothing else.
  8. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Ahh, that's a good thought! And I actually an angled USB-C adapter plugged in at all times to the H90 to get easier access on a crowded board. But unfortunately that did not seem to help even after restarting both devices. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  9. scholl2512

    PBC 6x Will Not Control H90 Over Midi

    Hello, I've found a few other people online that seem to be running into the same issue, but no solutions. No matter what I do, I cannot get my H90 to respond to my PBC over Midi. I've trying playing around with just about every setting that I can think of on both devices with no luck. I...
  10. scholl2512

    Micro Clock / Smart Clock users?

    A little late to the party, but a big +1 on the BPM always being visible. It'd be great to have an option to always display the current BPM. I've explored using a Smart Clock/Quartz for that reason and the fact that I'm sending tempos to pedals in a variety of ways and they have more outputs...
  11. scholl2512

    Toggling Between Expression and Volume with 1 Dunlop Volume X

    I actually never ended up getting this set up - sorry! Just kind of decided not to use it as an expression pedal.
  12. scholl2512

    SOLD: Analog Endeavors AUX2RJM

    Anyone looking to expand their PBC with an extra two buttons? I have an extra aux switch in very good condition with dual lock on the back. I bought this AUX2 new as a blemished item with no artwork, which is why it has no logo (not exactly sure where the blemish was). Thought someone here...
  13. scholl2512

    6X setup for Strymon Stereo Pedals

    Just another thought - you could also consider not even running them in loops 4-6, especially if you could use the extra space. You would lose the ability to reorder, and need some kind of midibox, but you would gain those 3 loops back by controlling everything via midi. I run about 12...
  14. scholl2512

    Planning To Buy An Effect Loop Switcher

    I haven't owned a Morningstar device, but when comparing them, I dove into their editor quite a bit. Maybe it's just the way my brain works, but I greatly preferred the workflow of the RJM editor. You'll most likely be spending a lot of time in there so that's another thing to consider.
  15. scholl2512

    Changing Song BPM + Possible Bug

    That bug you mentioned has happened to me for years. I posted about it back in 2020 and a few others mentioned they noticed the same thing. It's still happening - not a big deal because it doesn't affect anything, but my OCD hates it haha. It happens to me in my preset + / - buttons for my...