Gizmo Loop Turning Off - Two Buttons w/ Same Loop Enabled

I know i am probably missing something simple here however for the life of me i cannot figure this one out. I have a few buttons on a setup page that i use to check my levels of analog pedals (all buttons are grouped, so only one pedal is on at a time) . I have a MorningGlory V4 on two of these buttons and the gain stage (red remote func) is triggered via an amp gizmo. Everything works fine when i go from the button controlling the low gain stage to the button controlling the high gain; however if i go from high to low, the gizmo turns off the loop the MG is on, even thought the low gain button shows as active and each button has the cc command for gizmo loop 4. I should add that the cc commands for the amp gizmo (gain stage) are working fine, not matter the direction.
You're going to have to do it that way, I'm afraid. Turning off Send Off Messages will allow you to have more control over what happens when you move from one button to another in the group. But yes, you will have to add more actions to every button.