Add Friedman IRX to Device List.


New Member
I am new to RJM so I am not sure how this works. But it would be nice to have Friedman IRX in the device list. I know I can use generic and tweak it. It is only PC messages as far as I know.
The IR-X currently uses PC messages only. Supposedly the next update is going to add CCs, but I’m not sure what the timeline is for that to be rolled out.

I think the IR-X should be added to the device list after the new update comes out. I don’t think there’s much point in adding it right now, due to the lack of CCs.
Agreed, you can use a Generic device for now and it'll work fine. I'll revisit it when the new release comes out.
Just saw on the Facebook Friedman IR-X User Group that the firmware update with CC control is about a month away.

There is the new IR-D that just came out today. I would imagine that they’ll add (the same?) CC control for that as well.