Apply tempo/device pc to all presets?

I have about 150 presets defined so far, for different parts of different songs. I just upgraded to the 4.0 firmware, and I noticed on all the presets, the Tempo is set to Off. I'd like to change this globally to "Song". Is this possible without wading through all 150 presets and making this change?

Also, same question for device PC messages... Let's say I want to "initialize" all presets to turn the Timeline to patch 102. Is this possible using the editor software?

Thanks again Ron and team for all your work.
So just thinking this out...

What if the Preset List listbox was changed to multi-select. If multiple presets are selected, the right-hand pane is "cleared" (only showing defaults that may be set in the Audio page). Any changes made at that point would overwrite the settings of each individual preset, without affecting anything that was not explicitly changed.

While this would be extremely useful, I could also see this as a potentially dangerous feature, because there's the risk of accidentally screwing up your presets... So the best option might be to actually have some sort of button on the presets tab that would open another "initialization" dialog. From there, you could select the presets to apply changes to, make the changes, then explicitly have to hit OK/Cancel. This would also keep this new logic separate from what's already in the Presets tab, to minimize the chance of introducing a bug. Or, select the presets in the Presets tab, right-click / Initialize... then pop the dialog with Ok/Cancel.

Just my thoughts. :)
Interesting idea, I will think about it (there are some technical issues that would make it tricky)