Attention Mini Effect Gizmo owners!


Staff member
There was a mixup in manufacturing, the result of which is that the Click Stopper doesn't do much in some of the Mini Effect Gizmos that were shipped out. One resistor value is wrong. If you're tech savvy, I can tell you which resistor to replace, but you can certainly send it back to us and we'll fix it and get it back to you quickly.

If you don't use the Click Stopper, or yours seems fine, don't sweat it. But, if it seems like there's a problem, let me know and we'll deal with it.

Any MEGs shipped today or later will have the fix.

Sorry for the trouble, it seems like something always has to go awry in a new product launch. :roll:

Would you be willing to tell us tech savvy people which resistor to look for and what the value should be? I'm in the process of building a new pedalboard which will use the MEG but it may be a while before I have a chance to find out if it's a unit with the problem. But I could quickly open it up and take a look.

Yes, R13 is the resistor in question. The incorrect value is 150 ohm (brown-green-black-black-brown), the correct value is 1.5k (brown-green-black-brown-brown, or brown-green-red-gold if you're using a 5% resistor).

R13 can be found behind the Out / CS Out audio jacks.
FYI, all Mini Effect Gizmos with serial number 10101 and higher have this fix already - no need to mess with it!