Button Page for BigSky have a little problem


I configured a Strymon BigSky button page . A, B , C and presets - / + . The problem is that the PBC can not save if I choose presets with the buttons A, B or C. Without it only works with presets - / + .

I also wish that the lights for the A , B and C light with a different color when selected.

I also made key sites for Mobius and Timeline with the same problem .

Watch this video .

The PBC can have buttons that act the same as the A, B and C buttons on the BigSky, but it doesn't have any way of knowing what those buttons are actually doing on the BigSky. It'll send a command to activate the A button, for example, but it doesn't have the information needed to know that the BigSky is in (for example) bank 12, and that the button press will select preset 012A. That's why the button doesn't save - the PBC can't determine what preset the pedal is on.

We're supporting the A/B/C button method as much as we can, but it's never going to work as well as the Device PC+/- buttons. The BigSky does not communicate status back to the MIDI controller, so the only way to reliably control preset switching is to use a method that lets the PBC select a preset by number instead of by bank and A/B/C.
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Ok , I see , thanks for the quick response. By the way , I love Mastermind PBC and all you can do with it . I have scanned the entire Internet for years to find solutions that PBC has . I'm super happy with it.