Button replacement success


Well-Known Member
Decided to 'upgrade' the buttons on my gt16. Ron, I am totally impressed in the layout and simple quality of what you put under the hood. Looks like smart american engineering to me! The factory buttons on the gt16 are of really good quality. I changed mine out because i just prefer the way the dome shaped buttons react to my feet. Maybe it has something to do with how it centers the pressure and kind of lessens the ability to apply side pressure, which leads to slightly more drag during use. Or, maybe it could be that my brain LOVED the moogerfooger buttons when i first encountered them, and now I'm unfairly biased. At any rate, the buttons react nearly identical and have nearly identical part numbers. Honestly, you cant feel any difference in the action when NOT installed. However, I feel a small improvement in actual use. The noise between them is the same. I lowered the bottom buttons to near lowest and the mid row to tallest. Talk about a luxury to use! Very tactile yet not so finicky aas to need the toes to hit mid row w/o triggering the bottom.Here's a before and after picture. No need to show the insides, if someone trying to replace buttons is confused when they open it, they need to sell their soldering iron and step away from the device. Kudos to you Ron, and many thanks for such a well thought out layout on the GT16!
Thanks! I wanted to make sure that the unit was fixable in the field. It contributes to the GT's price tag for sure, but we wanted touring acts to be confident that they could bring a box full of LCDs on the road and that they could fix it if needed. You never know what might happen. For example, someone was playing a New Years show last week, one of the televised shows, and a light fell on their GT. Surprisingly, it survived. They are getting a new metal enclosure because it's kinda bent, but even the LCDs made it.

Thanks also for the input on the switches. Interesting that Moog uses the same brand of switches. Really, they're the only momentary switches that are any good if you're looking for ones that don't click.
Its good to see companies that still chase quality first and price second. It must be a rarity these days. Hopefully demand for and willing to pay for quality, will increase in USA over the next decade. Probably not a random coincidence that most of the top tier gear companies looks similar in build and parts when you open them. Its refreshing to have good service. I recall asking about this button replacement, and you gave me a prompt response that ended in successful bravery. Keep em comin'!
Besides kicking ass in general the serviceability is an unreal bonus - replacing switches is so stupid easy. 30 minutes time and no prior experience, one can swap them all on the GT22 - Just WOW!