Buttons not doing what they were doing an hour before... GT22


A funny thing happened on the way to practice last night... I had been home programming during the day. Seemed to get things where I wanted them. I started originally with the Jeks preset for my GT22. My bottom row is scenes and most of the other buttons are individual IAs for FX etc. Before when I'd go to my Presets Page and select a preset, when I'd hit the button the preset would show up, with the Scene button highlighted and and the corresponding IA buttons lit as well.

Well, I get all set up to go at practice last night and when I power up, none of my buttons look like they're selected even when there are FX that are on in the Axe set up. And if I hit a Scene button, it would go to that scene, but if I hit another Scene button the Axe patch would change, but now both buttons are lit as selected. If I hit the same button again, it would now appear deselected, but would still be on that patch. And if say for instance my delay was in a patch, the DELAY IA would not be lit, but then if I stepped on the DELAY button to appear it's selected, the Delay was now off. All the buttons are now acting like that.

I have no doubt it's operator error, but I can't seem to figure out what the error is. Any thoughts on why the behavior would change so drastically. I'm thinking for everything to change at once, somehow I must have selected some global setting, but I'm just at a loss as to how to fix it. I could go back and reload an old setting, but I was hoping to figure out the error of my ways in case this showed up again and then I'd know how to fix it.
Maybe your connections weren't right? If you don't have a connection to the MIDI Out jack of the Axe-Fx back to the GT, those are the symptoms I would expect.
Thank you. My connections all seem to check out now at home, but they may have been not connected tight at the rehearsal. I've wound up going back and trying to start from scratch as the sudden change in how things were behaving made me think I don't know the machine well enough to trouble shoot the issue. I might find the problem and I wouldn't even know it. I think using other's presets I downloaded, that there may have been some hidden things that I didn't realize were in there and I probably checked or unchecked something I shouldn't have or stepped on the wrong switch and it changed the behavior. So I'm trying to start from a blank canvas.

That said, I realize that I'm not quite grasping the hierarchy of modifying, saving, recalling etc., between the Axe, Axe Edit, the GT, and GT editor. I'm not confident in how many times I need to save something, and where I need to save them to make sure every body is on the same page when I turn all the gear off and turn it back on.

I thought that before, if I switched to a different SCENE, that the corresponding effects would change color if they were saved as active in that scene or not. Now I'm not getting that behavior. And I'm not clear what is making the IA buttons be on or off in a scene when I call it up, as some scenes come up with an IA button on, that's not on in the scene. Bidirectional and Poll State are both checked, but it's almost like somebody isn't talking to somebody and I'm not sure where the air gap is at the moment, besides between my ears.

When I edit something in the Axe, does the GT22 know that I edited it, or do I have to make changes in the GT manually every time as well? When I make a change on the GT, does the Axe know I changed it? Do I have to save on both the Axe and the GT every time I change something?

All of my questions are based off of user error I know. The GT is simply amazing. I'm just trying to get to the point of feeling like I know what I'm doing, instead of guessing what I'm doing. And that's just trying to get it to play nice with the Axe. I still have a Kemper in the rack, and a TC Voice Live 3 on the floor waiting in line to get dealt with. So any tips, tricks, and hints would be greatly apprecaiated. Thank you.