Choose Page Via Midi


Well-Known Member
I’m very new to using my MMGT10 (got it Friday). I already had BandHelper on my iPad set up to send PC to the Axe FX and the Voicelive to choose presets. From what I can tell my Axe FX is then pulling up the corresponding preset on the Mastermind. And that’s fine. Many of my presets in the Axe FX are used for more than one song. It’s possible and perhaps even likely that for some songs which use the same preset, I may need to control different things ie; some songs may require more changes on the Axe FX while others may require more changes on the Voicelive. So I was wondering if it was possible to have bandhelper send a midi message to the Mastermind to choose which page I want for certain songs? So different songs could have different pages even though they share the same preset.

I know that what I have learned so far about using this device is about 1/500th of the potential but there are still a lot of concepts that I haven’t wrapped my head around yet.
Sorry I'm not sure about the Page by midi, but you could save your Preset to multiple presets and have a different Local Page for each...

We don't have a way to directly select a page via MIDI, but I will look into adding it.
Thanks you both for the replies. I was hoping to avoid copying presets because if I make adjustments too one have to do it to all the copies.

It would be great if this could be added, but if I’m the only user who would find this useful I wouldn’t want to cause the trouble.
Hi Neil, I just added an option on your other pages post about choosing a page by midi using CC link but I also had another thought...
The presets in the GT can be set to send any PC number to the AxeFX, so basically you could send PC on a different GT midi channel to choose presets (midi receive channel). This could go through the AxeFX or change your setup to connect to the GT before the AxeFX, shouldn't matter, but you might have to change the AxeFX to not send PC changes.
GT Preset 1, 2, or whatever can all send the one PC preset number you want to use for multiple songs to the AxeFX "device" (on a different midi channel), while also showing a unique local page per GT preset. Does that make sense or suit what you're after?
I’m still so new to this, there’s a lot this device can do that i just haven’t figured out yet. I’m not sure I fully grasped what you were saying but I’d like to try to work through it. Currently the presets on the GT are linked to the presets on the Axe FX and in fact I ran the process to do that following the set up GT with Axe FX 3, it’s very convenient for scene names and I suppose effects that exist on certain presets.

I currently have my midi channels set up as follows midi channel 1 has been reserved for the GT itself. 2 is for my Voicelive Rack, 3 is for the Axe FX and 4 is for BandHelper in my iPad. BandHelper will remain the way I organize songs and set lists as I can sync it with other band members. So it sends the PC to all devices for the presets I want for certain songs, it also sends CC “key” an “scale” info for vocal harmonies to the Voicelive Rack.

IF I am kind of understanding what you are saying, and given my set up. As long as I make it so that the Axe FX is not sending PC back to the GT (which may override the original PC sent by BandHelper), it might be possible to have Bandhelper choose a preset on the GT that is independent of what it sends to the axe FX, thereby having a different page for a shared preset on the Axe FX. I could keep the presets I have in the GT for the convenience of having the scenes names match up on both devices. Just add a few extra presets on the GT for when I need a special Page for certain songs. I could manually type in any Scene names if needed.

I suppose anytime I need to update preset and scene names I could allow the Axe FX to send midi to the GT just for that purpose and just limit the range so it doesn’t overwrite my special scenes in the GT.

The only thing about this that I don’t get is that for each preset in the GT, I see that I have the option to send a PC to BandHelper and the Voicelive (which I have had to manually go in and turn off for every preset) but the Axe FX is not listed there so it seems that currently the AXE FX and the GT have some special link going on that I would need to somehow override in order to send independent PC messages from Bandhelper to the GT and the Axe FX.

Am I grasping this at all???
IF I am kind of understanding what you are saying, and given my set up. As long as I make it so that the Axe FX is not sending PC back to the GT (which may override the original PC sent by BandHelper), it might be possible to have Bandhelper choose a preset on the GT that is independent of what it sends to the axe FX, thereby having a different page for a shared preset on the Axe FX. I could keep the presets I have in the GT for the convenience of having the scenes names match up on both devices. Just add a few extra presets on the GT for when I need a special Page for certain songs. I could manually type in any Scene names if needed.

That's what I'm thinking yeah. You could even just copy a preset on the GT after all the info from the AxeFX has been copied in so you don't have to enter manually.

I suppose anytime I need to update preset and scene names I could allow the Axe FX to send midi to the GT just for that purpose and just limit the range so it doesn’t overwrite my special scenes in the GT.


The only thing about this that I don’t get is that for each preset in the GT, I see that I have the option to send a PC to BandHelper and the Voicelive (which I have had to manually go in and turn off for every preset) but the Axe FX is not listed there so it seems that currently the AXE FX and the GT have some special link going on that I would need to somehow override in order to send independent PC messages from Bandhelper to the GT and the Axe FX.

Is the AxeFX setup as a device in the GT?

Am I grasping this at all???

Yes you are :D