Couple of bugs with 3.0 - editor device names and local IA buttons


When trying to type the name of a device, every character entered changes the focus from the Name text box to some other field, requiring me to click back on the Name text box.
If I hit the space bar after entering a character, the entire windows goes black. Resizing the window restores everything.

Device & Editor:
I am getting some local button IAs showing as selected when a preset is loaded even though I have not set them via IA Store. In the editor, I can see the local button as selected, when I click in it twice, it deselects, but still shows as selected if I page away from the preset and come back. I can't figure out how to stop the button from showing as selected when the preset is loaded, nor how to get the editor to honor my selection either. This issue was present in previous versions as well.

I've attached my settings file. The issue is present on the Entre Nous preset (#21) on the local button labeled 'B'.


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Ok, I'll look into the device name issue - that's an odd one for sure. It doesn't happen normally, only with your settings file...

If you turn on the "Update on Preset Change" checkbox for the 'B' button, then turn the B button's state to off, it should remember it correctly. You can turn "Update on Preset Change" off after you fix the state. It really shouldn't remember state at all for a momentary button - a momentary button should always be in the off state when it's not pressed, so that's something else I'll need to look at.