custom button pages


Hey there,

I followed some videos for setting up custom button pages but I still have some troubles...

I click Edit local Buttons and change the bank up Button to an IA Button that is red when OFF and green when ON that adds a booster to the preset.

This works in the Editor Software and but after transfering the changes to my PBC the local page won't show up once I switch to the Preset.

Interstingly enough, when I select the Page I want to show in the Editor (Local Page) it also changes that option with the adjacent Preset and vice versa?! E.g. I select show local page on my Dirt preset (003) and it also changes that option for my Clean Preset (002) for which I didn't even make a local page.

Any help solving this is greatly appreciated!
The "Show Page" option is only active if you have "Auto Page Select" turned on in Global settings. Without that turned on, the local page will be available, but it won't automatically appear when the preset is selected.

What version of the editor are you using? I don't see the problem you mentioned happening in 4.0.7.
Thanks for the fast reply! I forgot to turn that on. Works now!

I am using 4.0.7 but the other issue is just a minor inconvinience. I am happy :)