Dynamic Button question


In song mode, Is there a way to program the buttons so that if there is a preset assigned to a particular button, then when it is off, it would emit a chosen color? This would be helpful because with some songs, I only have 1 preset for the entire song, and in some songs, there isn't a pre-cho or a solo part. it would help me visually to know what presets I have enabled for a particular song.

My settings are:
1. Intro
2. Verse
3. Pre-Cho
4. Chorus
5. Solo/Bridge
Yes, edit the preset button's Off Color setting (using the editor), and it will use that color when the button is not selected. Buttons that have no preset assigned to them in the current song will always have the LED turned off, so you'll be able to distinguish between a preset that's not selected and a preset button that has no preset assigned to it.