Editor and loop question


Active Member
Love the Mastermind, I am just now delving into how to best organize the presets. The song/setlist function is awesome. Have a couple of questions:

I know there are hundreds of presets, but I was wondering...is there a way to assign turning a particular loop or set of loops on and off within a preset...I mean without being in loop mode and with one click. An example would be wanting to turn on clean boost loop and delay loop for a solo. I was thinking this might be assignable to the function switch, but apparently not. Certainly the obvious solution is just a new preset. I wanted to know for sure so I am creating presets as efficiently as possible.

Issues with the Editor. I am running Win7. When I click boxes, for example the checkbox for parallel setting and trails for the upper loops, nothing happens. On the video I see a checkmark. Not on my computer though.

I also ran into an issue where somehow the A/B output on a preset got changed...was confused as there was no sound, but figured out that was the issue. When I corrected it and saved it to the Mastermind, my selected loops got deselected. I reselected them in the Editor, and resaved, but the the A/B thing changed again. What is the deal? What is the difference between download changes and the other options...sorry...do not have the editor pulled up, so may be using the wrong terms. Would that make a diff in behavior?

Also...when do we get more videos on use of the Editor?
You can assign more than one loop to the Function button if you like (or any button for that matter), and have that change from preset to preset. You will need to use the local button page feature. In short:

- On the Presets page, select a preset
- Over the virtual PBC display, click "Edit Local Page"
- Now, right click on one of the virtual PBC displays, then select "Copy from page" / "Page 1". The page should now be a copy of your main button page.
- Now, double click on the Function button and add actions to it, such as Audio / Loop 1, Audio / Loop 2, etc. - whichever loops you want to control
- Repeat the above for each preset

I know this is very brief, so let me know if you have any other questions. This would actually be a very good candidate for another video - I hope to have the time to do more soon.

I will check on the editor. I do test with Windows 7, but I'll try the latest version again to be sure. I will also look at the saving issues you're seeing. "Write Changes to Device" writes only the settings that have changed since the last time you wrote them to the device. Generally, you want to use "Write Settings to Device" the first time you send settings in an editing session, then use "Write Changes" after that.
Tried that. To be clear...you said click "Edit Local Page"...I found "Edit Local Buttons". That is correct?

I double clicked the Function button.
IA actions did nothing until I clicked on "Button Type" in top left box, then I could add actions for each loop.

Problem 1: Selected Add action/Audio/Loop...it only allows me to select even numbered loops
Problem 2: Tried it on the even numbered loops allowed. Pressed done, saved changes to device. When I click the Function button I still get the Global Preset
Annoyance: Usually when I save changes, it will then make my device display Page 16. At first I freaked because I thought it was frozen. Finally figured out I had to select "Local Page" under general settings, and the main page for that preset comes up. But I have to do this each time. And again...since I cannot see a checkmark in the box for Local Page on this thing, I have no idea whether it is selected or not.
Yes, I just discovered the even number error as weil. I'll get that fixed in the next day or two and will look into the other issues.