Expression Pedal Issue


Hello all,

I am using a Mission Engineering SP25L-Pro Aero Expression pedal into my GT-22. I am experiencing 2 issues. The first is when I use the pedal to control volume or wah, the pedal goes from 0.0 to 9.0 on the modifier within the first 1/8 of pedal travel and from 9.0-10.0 the last 7/8 of the which makes it very difficult to control. Any ideas?

Second, I have the external switch on the expression pedal set up to turn on a volume block but it takes 2 presses for the switch to turn the block on then 2 presses to turn it off again. Not sure what's going on.

Thanks for your help!
The short answer is: that pedal isn't made to work with the GT. One problem is easier to fix than the other.

The expression sweep issue is easy to fix. I believe that that pedal has a polarity switch inside it. Flip it and it should start working.

The switch is less easy - the GT requires a momentary switch, but the pedal has a latching switch. The switch will need to be replaced. Mission may be able to modify the pedal, but I don't know that for certain.