External Bank Up/Down Button question...


New Member
I have an external 2 button switch that I use to bank up and down through my preset banks. I'm having an issue when I try to use the bank buttons when I'm not on my Main Presets page. If I'm on any other page than the Main Presets page and I hit one of the bank up/down switches, I get stuck on that page and the PBC doesn't let me cycle through pages any more. It also doesn't give me the option to the next bank like I would expect, but I get stuck on whatever page I'm on, unable to move to a new page or use the external bank buttons to go to a new preset. I end up having to pull the power of the PBC to reset.
Thanks for your help!
If your other page doesn't have preset buttons, then you have no way to exit bank selection mode. I guess what we need is to create a bank action so that you can set up the external buttons to switch banks AND force the PBC to switch back to page 1 at the same time so you have access to your preset buttons.

It's going to require firmware changes, so it'll take a while, but I will put it on the list.