Freeing-up PBC 10 Buttons by using 3rd party button devices?


Well-Known Member
I’ll be building my new board centered around PBC 10 very shortly. It seems to me that it would be a nice idea (far from an original idea, I’d guess!) to get some kind of 3rd party dual button EXT. switch thing that I can dedicate to BANK UP and BANK DOWN. The idea is that I can always use this little switch to have those functions always available no matter what page I’m on in with PBC 10, freeing up the somewhat ‘semi-dedicated’ buttons on PBC 10 to do other things - like more IA or Presets on a single page.

Long winded way of asking what you guys have found that works well for this purpose. I’ve found the Mission TT-2, but there must be many others I don’t know about. Which ones have you all found to work well?

And any comments about this general idea of trying to free-up some of the ‘on the PBC 10’’ buttons by using 3rd party buttons? If there’s no downside (other than cost and pedalboard real estate), I might add a few more of these ‘outboard’ buttons to free-up even more PBC 10 buttons….??

As always, thanks for any help or advice.

The nice thing is that the PBC just needs two buttons in a box. Especially if you're using it for Bank Up and Bank Down, you won't need LEDs, so that opens up the possibilities. The Boss FS-7 is one that people frequently use. The only downside is that is needs to be powered, unlike most external switches. Also, have a look on Reverb, there are a couple of people who make 2-button switches specifically for our products that are nice and compact.

I should also mention that you can only add one pair of buttons to the external switch port.