GFI Synesthesia Expression Pedal


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how I would set up Synesthesia GFI parameters to be controlled with my expression pedal. I have the expression pedal set up in PBC 6X. It works on my Collider. I have the Synesthesia set up for PC. I put CC 42 on the Synesthesia Expression pedal set up. When I use the expression pedal, the synesthesia numbers are changing from 0-100% like its working, but it will not control the parameter chosen.
If the Synesthesia's display is changing, reporting the expression pedal numbers, then the PBC is doing it's job. I'm guessing you need to set something up on the pedal that tells it what the expression pedal should control? If you ask GFI, I'm sure they can help you out.
I was able to get it figured out. Henry helped me from GFI. I think one of the problems I may have been having is I have the Collider also set up with pedal expression. If I have one preset, I think I can only use one of those effects at a time since they are on the same expression pedal. I shut the collider off on that preset and then the synesthesia worked with expression pedal.