Go to button page on button off only


Well-Known Member
I am trying to switch pages back on the button off. ie I have a button that turns on the loop for my Timeline and brings up a page with the timeline controls I have setup. I would like to go back to the page I came from or at least return to the main page when I turn the loop off (hit the button again) is that possible?

Thanks Laurence
On the first page, create an IA button that has Send on Preset Change, Update on Preset Change OFF and Momentary ON. It should have a System / Page action that brings you to the second page.

On the second page, create a button with the same settings, except that you can assign a System / Page action that brings you back to the first page. In firmware 3.0, you can assign a System / Page with a page number of "Previous" to bring you back to the previous page.

Since both buttons are momentary, every button press is an On press.
So there is no way to do it from one button. Right now I have an external button controlling the timeline loop press on press off.
I see, I was assuming an internal button - the rules are different for external buttons, because they don't change when the page changes.

You can force it to work this way:

Edit a macro, and add a System / Page action to it. This one should have the page number set to "Previous" (you need firmware 3.0 to be able to do this)
Also, in the macro settings, turn on "Force State To" and set the state to "On"
Next, edit the external button to have these actions:

System / Page 2 (or whatever number your Timeline page is)
System / Macro off:x on:None (where x is the number of the Macro you edited above)

This makes the macro run when the button is turned off, but the macro will act as if the the button was being turned on, making the Page action run.