GT22 Version info question


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

While working through a separate issue, I saw something that caught my eye (that I expect has absolutely no bearing on function, hence just a question), with my GT22 connected to my Mac Mini M1 via the included USB cable.

On my GT22's built-in screen, when I've chosen System Info, I see the Main Version listed as 4.7.0. When I run the MMGTEditor v4.7.0 on my Mac, after choosing Read Settings from Device (under the Transfer Menu), on the Global Tab, to the right of the model type=GT22, there is what looks like a static field that displays v4.6.3. My GT22 happened to ship with FW 4.6.3, but I don't know if this field is actually relating to that, or just coincidence.

Does this field in the MMGTEditor relate to the installed FW? Am I misunderstanding what this field in the editor is indicating?

That field shows the version of the firmware that your settings file is associated with. Your file was created with 4.6.3, so that's what it reports. If you were to start with a new file from the 4.7.0 editor, it would say 4.7.0. Or if you were to write the settings to your GT (running 4.7.0), then read them back into the editor, it would then say 4.7.0.

I added that feature recently in an attempt to get a better idea of what firmware people are using on their GTs. It's gotten a bit complicated because the settings format for 4.6.0 through 4.7.0 is exactly the same so I can't tell the version just from looking at the file format.
I added that feature recently in an attempt to get a better idea of what firmware people are using on their GTs. It's gotten a bit complicated because the settings format for 4.6.0 through 4.7.0 is exactly the same so I can't tell the version just from looking at the file format.
Great idea! I totally understand leaving a breadcrumb or two to assist with ID during examination. I did something similar at certain points of large programs, but on mine it was merely disclosing the value in a certain variable, that was in question at that time.

Please let me paraphrase your info, as I’m missing something. ‍So if I create my settings file in the editor (4.7.0) and load it into my GT, when I restart the GT, the connected editor should recognize that it was written in 4.7.0, and the field of my question should display 4.7.0? Is that correct or did I miss your intended meaning?
Thanks for bearing with me,

Edit: I inserted an emoji, but my shrugging shoulders emoji somehow turned into the male symbol. Just removed the emoji. Crazy computers!
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I know it's not terribly clear, but let me try it this way: The only times that field is overwritten are:

1). You do a "New" in the editor
2). You factory reset the GT
3). Any time the editor reads settings from the GT

And the field is written with the current editor version (in case #1) or current firmware version (cases #2 and 3)

What I was trying to avoid was losing the GT firmware version number if, for example, a GT running 4.6.1 transfers its setting to a 4.7.0 editor. I want to know that the GT is still running 4.6.1 and don't care as much that the editor is 4.7.0.

Thank you for the extra thorough explanation! I truly appreciate it. No I believe I've got it, and now I can tell my settings files are still built around 4.6.3, instead of 4.7.0. Always more to learn.

Have a good rest of your weekend,