Help! - MIDI Notes via USB out



I'm having an issue sending MIDI Note messages via the USB output.

Is it even possible to do so?

I have a Morningstar device that does this for me, w/ no problem.

But, upon programming my GT/10 to do the same, the device I'm controlling doesn't seem to recognize the commands.

Can anyone shed some light on what I may be doing wrong?

(I do have my MIDI out set for USB already)

I appreciate any and all help, thank you!
Yes, it's possible by adding Note actions to a button or preset.

What device are you connecting to? Generally speaking, you can only connect the GT to a computer via USB, unless you have a USB host adapter.
Thanks for your reply!

So, I've definitely already assigned a Note Action to my controller, and assigned USB as the output for the Device.

But, i'm still having no luck.

The Device I'm trying to control is an iPad.

I have it hooked up w/ a data transfer cable (usb-a to usb-a) going into an Apple Camera Adapter, into the iPad.

Having it hooked up this way w/ my other MIDI controller works, but w/ the mastermind it doesn't.

Although I did notice that the output on my other controller is a USB-B output, so I figured that could have something to do with it.

I'm not familiar w/ using a host adapter, but would this fix my problem?

I'm just hoping to utilize both the USB out and the MIDI out simultaneously.

Thanks again.
You need to use a USB A to B cable to connect to the USB B port on the GT. The USB A port is only for flash drives.
That worked! Thank you so much!

I have one other question, while I have your attention...

Is there any way to assign a 'Release' function to a button?

On other midi controllers I've worked with, you can assign a 'Press', 'Release', 'Double Tap' and 'Long Press'....

If this can't be done, are there any plans to add those features in the future?

This feature would be extremely helpful to be able to assign a Press & Release...for use the w/ the momentary buttons.

I'm trying to assign my GT10 as a DMX controller, and it'd be very handy to be able to hold down a button when I want to 'Blind' the stage, and likewise for 'strobe' effects. Or evening adding a 'Note On' and 'Note Off' feature I feel would be equally as effective.

Anyways, I appreciate your time, thanks again!