How to control Plexiton Carl martin pedal crunch vs high gain channels


in one of the loop i plugged a Carl martin pedal, the Plexitone. It has a crunch botton and a High gain button so that you can switch from crunch sound to lead and more gain one (ie for solos). on top of that there is a 3rd button for boosting both the crunch and the high drive channel.

do you think i can control the switch between crunch and high gain and eventually the boost also?
Since the pedal does not have any external switching capability, you won't be able to switch any of the various modes on the pedal, only switch it on or off. Depending on the pedal's design, it might be possible to have the pedal modified to have external switching jacks added so that it could be controlled by the PBC's function switch jacks. I don't know anything about the pedal's internals, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to do.
There are aftermarket relay kits, that can be installed in place of a conventional 3pdt switch. If you wire that up to a TS jack instead of a switch, It'd be possible. I'll try and find a link to such a kit.