How to fix "Sticky Buttons"?


Hello all,

I have a very old mastermind GT. Some of the buttons have been acting up, so bought some replacements. Previously, 6 of the buttons failed the "sticky buttons" self test, and after replacing the buttons they still fail the self test. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?

I do have the latest 5.0.1 firmware. Button board FW is 1.06. As long as there is no hold function, this seems to work just fine. The only button I had a hold function on out of these was 8, so I am guessing that is why I did not notice the others for so long.

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Depending on when you replaced some switches, you may need to do this step: Hold the small black button under the right side of the main screen as you power it up. Keep holding until all of the screens turn on, then you can release.

If that doesn't help, we sell new switches here:

I recommend replacing all of them, but if you only replace some of them, remember to do the steps I mentioned above the first time you turn it on with the new switches installed.
Depending on when you replaced some switches, you may need to do this step: Hold the small black button under the right side of the main screen as you power it up. Keep holding until all of the screens turn on, then you can release.

If that doesn't help, we sell new switches here:

I recommend replacing all of them, but if you only replace some of them, remember to do the steps I mentioned above the first time you turn it on with the new switches installed.
That worked perfectly, now all the new switches pass the test! I had order 8, so I will probably order 8 more in the morning to complete the set. The prices are really reasonable, so it makes sense to replace them all.