How to select a bank in Axe-FX


Well-Known Member
In the MMGTEditor I have checked the box for my Axe FX XL, but I can not reach presets above 127, how do I select the other banks? For example: if I type PC: 213, I get preset 83 on my Axe.
On the device page, look at the Axe-Fx entry and make sure Bank Type is set to MSB, and Max Bank is set to 6. You should be able to specify program numbers up to 768 and the GT will automatically calculate PC and bank numbers from that.
Hi Ron, thanks for the answer. I had those parameters typed in, but I had I/O Mapping mode to Custom in my Axe FX, causing the trouble, put it on none et voila... Thanks.
Finally I need to check I/O Mapping mode to Custom in my Axe FX to have access to a specific scene when selecting the preset. But now I cannot access above preset 127. It's weird preset 128 gets me 11 on the Axe, 129>12, 130>13, 131>00, 132>14, 133>89, 134>15. I don't get the logic, in the axe there is no mapping from preset to preset, I use it only for choosing the scene I need.
I think you'll need to contact Fractal about that - enabling custom mapping may disable MIDI bank support, but I'm not sure about that.