IA Button 'Persistence' through Preset Change


Active Member
I have a looper pedal that I engage on or off (the Microcosm) through an IA button - on a loop.

Generally I want this off on each preset by default, since the pedal does a bunch of other things, but sometimes I just want to use it as a looper.

So I may have a loop going, but if I change Presets (not IA loops on off but Presets themselves), this pedal:

- gets sent midi info, and stops playing the loop
- the IA loop gets turned off because the preset is saved without it

How do I get its so this loop acts like an ON or OFF persistence even through preset change even if the preset does not have it on in its saved setting? So that I can change tones and not have it influence the loop? I get that if I have a preset that sends specific MIDI information to this pedal, that it can still change that if I want, but for just guitar tone preset changes, I'd like this loop to continue to be on unless I turn it off, in which case I want it continued to be off.

hope I cam being clear enough!

Turn off Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change on the button, and it will no longer be affected by preset changes.
Turn off Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change on the button, and it will no longer be affected by preset changes.
Thanks, however that didn't solve the issue. The issue and its probably because I omitted to mention this, but just realized this was causing it, was that the loop is actually on the MEGX connected to my RJM. So I had to turn off, for the preset change, the PC change checkbox for the MEGX on the list of devices for every preset on the Mastermind editor. I suppose this could present an issue in the future if I wanted to say, change PC on the MEGX itself... for say, rerouting the order of loops... but I don't think it'll have any other effect for now doing this right?
Loop order (or, your ability to change loop order) is probably the only thing that will be affected. If you end up needing that, you could use PCs only for loop order changes and program IA buttons to control loops. Then, you'll have more control over what sends on preset changes and what doesn't.