IA Problem


Active Member
There seems to bea bug in the latest version of the editor.
If you put IA buttons into groups e.g.
Amp channels - Group 1
OD/Dist pedals - Group 2
Mod pedals - Group 3
When you select a Preset on the Presets Page, 1 IA button from each group is selected by default and you can't deselect that group i.e. Amp channel selected, OD/Dist selected & Mod selected - you must use one button from each group. You have to go to the Buttons Page and set all IA buttons to: Group - None, then you can return to Presets and select the IA button combination that you want.
If you then reassign the groups you can go to Presets and any group that you haven't selected from remains unselected. If you then select an IA button from a previously unselected group, you can't then deselect from that group without first setting all IA buttons in that group to Group - None
If i am understanding your problem correctly it is just a setting in groups. For each group you need to:
Allow Off – When set to “On”, it is possible to turn off all buttons in the group. Pressing a button that’s already selected
will turn if off. When set to “Off”, one button in the group will always be turned on. Pressing a button that’s already
selected will have no effect.

Just go into edit groups and choose on for Allow Off.
seattleguitarist is right. If you're using the editor, the setting is on the Global page, where there are "Allow all buttons off" for each group.