Insert Pause in IA switch actions?


Well-Known Member
I hooked up my Infinity Looper and added it to my Axe-Fx II using the Axe's MIDI Thru function. Setup Device 2 on the MMGT to the Infinity Looper and assigned some buttons. Everything works great!

The Looper has a particular mode where it will play till the end of the recorded loop before switching to the next loop or stoping - they call this "trails." So I record Loop 1, then play it. When I press stop in the middle of the loop, it doesn't stop immediately, it plays the loop and at the very end, then it stops. Same for switching to Loop 2. This is a great function for a live performer, so you don't have to hit the buttons exactly when you need the loops to come in.

However, since the Stop doesn't work immediately but waits till the loop is done, if you DO want to stop immediately, you must press the Stop button 2x. this works, but sometimes it's difficult to time a 2x stop (aside: all the single button loopers use this 2x press for stop, it's hard!).

I tried putting the Stop Action in an IA switch to get this 2x press, but it seems the messages go very quickly and the Looper doesn't recognize it as 2 presses. I don't see any Pause command though. Is there a way to do this?

There is definitely no MIDI command for this function. The only way is to press Stop 2x. I'd love to do that with just one press of the button on the MMGT. Thanks.
The GT tries to filter CCs so that the same CC isn't sent twice. Most of the time, it's a good idea. At least when CCs are used for their original purpose - setting the value of a parameter. However, in cases like this, it causes a problem.

I'm working on firmware 2.3 right now and it'll have something that will help get around this limitation.
Alexander said:
Maybe add some bogus CC commands inbetween the Stop Action commands?

tried that ;) a lot. it seemed to be just how it works for now, which of course makes sense. Ron confirmed that :)

thanks so much Ron! i can't believe i have 2 products which are the best-in-class where the creator-genius replies directly on the forum and constantly updates the units. what have i done to deserve this!?!

it's funny, as i set things up yesterday, i kept doing things like my old controller, and when i'd take a break and go back, i'd realize OH i don't have that limitation, i can put this switch here, and do a hold function for XY and this and that. haha. it's great!
Thanks, I agree it's great that we can have all of this communication between me and all of you. It results in a much better product - and it's always encouraging to know that all of the long hours that goes into making this stuff ends up being useful and helpful.

I thought of a workaround for the CC issue: create a Sysex message that represents the CC message and have the button send that. Sysex messages bypass the redundant message filter. Even though they're called Sysex in the GT, the messages are not required to be Sysex, they can be anything. If you're not well versed in MIDI message encoding, just let us know what the MIDI channel, CC number and value need to be sent to stop the looper and I (or another intrepid forum member) can come up with the right numbers to plug into the Sysex window.
woah that'd be cool to try. yeah i'm not well-versed in sysex...

i have my Infinity Looper on Midi Channel 2. and it's a CC Toggle #23 Off:0 On:127

it needs to be sent 2x in a row :)
Ok, edit one Sysex, call it Looper Stop (or something like that). Make the value:

B1 17 7F B1 17 00 B1 17 7F B1 17 00

On your button, delete any actions that may be on the button. Then, add a Sysex action. The Off value should be None, and the On value should be the Sysex you just created.

Please give that a try and let me know how it goes!
tried it and.... it didn't work :)

though after that i did try sending 2 separate SysEx messages - so 2 actions on that button, each with a stop command... it SOMETIMES worked haha. not sure why sometimes.

not a biggie. if a pause or something happens to show up as in the OP, cool, but really not a huge issue. thanks!