LED Color for IA on Preset 2nd Press?


Well-Known Member
I'm working with a client, and we're setting up his rig to have a couple basic gain presets, and the goal is to add a chorus sound to each of them when he hits each button a second time. I'm using the IA setting on the Preset 2nd Press to accomplish it, and I'm getting the tones to work exactly as they should, but the LED isn't changing color to the Alt Preset Color setting like I would imagine it should. Is that intentional, or a bug?

Alternatively, is it possible to do an IA cycle with LED color changes on a preset button?
The alt preset color is specifically for the alt preset feature. I'f you'd like the 2nd press IA have a different color, use the IA On Color setting on the button.
Ok, I did that and I now have it working. Each of the four preset buttons are doing the exact same alternate action (enabling the loop for the Mobius). When I hit one of the buttons, all four of the buttons using the action change color. Is there a way to change it so that only the one button changes color?