Limiting the Number of Scrolling Banks in Preset Mode

Albert S.

New Member
How do you limit the number of presets banks you can scroll through, and then when you get to the end, have it start back at 1. I have tried a ton of things and nothing is seeming to do the trick. Basically I use “preset mode” only, I would like to limit the amount of buttons dedicated to scrolling through banks of presets. So rather than me having a button that will scroll up and a button that is dedicated to scrolling down, just have one button that will let me scroll from 1-3 and then when I press the button while it’s on bank 3, it will reset to bank 1.
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On each bank button, there are Min and Max parameters that allow you to limit the bank that the buttons access. By default, they're both set to 1, which removes bank limits.

The bank buttons don't wrap around at the end though, there's no option to do that currently.