Line 6 Helix Rack - Effects Block Status on Preset Change


Active Member
I am having a strange issue controlling the Line 6 Helix rack with my Mastermind PBC. When i initially change to a new preset on the Line 6 Helix the state of the individual blocks is not reflective of the state of the blocks as programmed in the Mastermind PBC. I know that currently the Helix does not support bypass of individual effects blocks using midi CC so as a workaround i have setup the Mastermind PBC to control the mix level of each effects block. I.E. instead of an effects block being bypassed the mix level for that effects is 0%. If i go from preset 1 to preset 2 in the Helix the mix settings that are saved per midi CC buttons on the PBC are not being reflected on the Helix. But if i press the preset button again on the PBC (in this example preset 2) then the mix settings are reflected. I have to be on the preset first and then press again to get the mix levels to reflect my programming. Am i doing something wrong or is this just the way the Line 6 Helix is setup? I am using the most recent firmware version for both the PBC and the Helix. In order to create different settings for each section of a song (intro, verse, pre chorus, chorus, bridge, etc...) I create 1 preset on the helix and recall that preset for several presets on the PBC. This way the effects level can be different for different sections of the song. I cannot change presets on the Helix due to the need to press the button on the PBC twice when selecting a new preset. I hope this makes sense. If there is anyone that can help i would really appreciate it. Thank you
I have to wonder if the Helix has a gap where it doesn't respond to MIDI messages immediately after a preset change.

Has anyone else seen this issue? I know that some other devices have had a similar issue, but I can't remember which ones they were off the top of my head...