Loop/pedal problems with the RG, and buffer question


I'm in the midst of wiring/programming my RG16, and have run into some problems. dbx comp in loop 1 acts like the comp is not on. I have a signal, just no compression. In loop 2, I have an auto wah. With the loop engaged, I get a very weak signal. After bypassing the buffer (same result), I put a nother pedal in the loop (CompNova), and it worked perfectly. I then tried the auto wah straight in front of the amp, and it also worked perfectly. Puzzled..
Also, I had read a comment in the forum that the buffer could be "placed anywhere in the chain". I'm wanting to run a octafuzz in the first loop, with the buffer after it. Is this possible? Or, will I have to run it after loop 4?

Thanks for any and all help!

Update...checked the cables used on the comp and WR2 with a multimeter and a cable tester, and they checked-out fine. Also tried them straight in to an amp. Again...fine. Then after playing on the CompNova I put in place of the WR, I started noticing that it seemed rather subdued (for lack of a better term), but there was no loss in signal strength. Hmmmm??? Now, knowing me, it's got to be "pilot error" somewhere. Any other areas I should check. Could it be a grounding issue of the RJ to the rack rails? Anything?? FWIW, I'm using Mogami 2319 and Swithcraft ends.
Hmm... Sounds like a partial short to me. When testing, did you check the tip-to-ground resistance on the cables? Please check out the post at the top of this forum entitled "A Note About Making Cables" if you haven't already.