

I recently got my mini effect gizmo and I want to use it with the MFC-101. The mini effect gizmo is inside my rack and plugged with several pedals.

I set the mfc-101 to none axe fx mode. I use bank size 5 and the rest of the switches as IA switches, which I turn on/off the pedals in the looper when I need.

Then I go to the MIDI page. I set the CC number as 80 for loop 1 ( It says 88 for loop 1 in the mini effect gizmo in the manual, but I find in the forum that people say it starts at 80), and 000 for off and 127 for on.

The effect gizmo does not turn on the light when I step the switch, even more, there is no sound comes out of the speaker when I turn the loop on by hand.( There is sound when lights all off)

I ve tried to solve this for a long time. But I still figure out nothing... :|

helpppppp......please..... :geek:

Thank you.
This sounds like two problems: an audio problem and a MIDI problem.

For the MIDI problem: try setting the CC to 88 and see if that works better. The loops really should start at CC88.

For the audio problem: check your cables and your effect. Try removing the cables from the loop, and make sure signal is passed when the loop is on. Then, connect a cable from the loop send to the loop return and see if it passes signal when the loop is on. If it doesn't, replace the cable with another. If it doesn't work with some known good cables, then something needs to be fixed on the Mini Effect Gizmo.

Thank you so much for your responding:)

As you said, I solve the audio problem. Now it is getting sound.

About the Midi, How should I set in order to have switch control the gizmo loop on and off?

I set the IA like I said.- IA switch06, cc 88 ( loop 1) OFF 000 ON 127 , and channel is set to the right pair.

what is the next step should be??

Thank you :)
If you're definitely talking on the correct MIDI channel (check on both devices - the Mini Effect Gizmo defaults to MIDI channel 1, but you may need to change this depending on the other devices you have in your system), and you have the MIDI CC numbers set for 88 (loop 1), 89 (loop 2), 90 (loop 3), 91 (loop 4) and 92 (loop 5) - ASSUMING YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED THEM TO USE 80-84 INSTEAD - then yes, a CC value of 000 should turn the loop off, and a CC value of 127 should turn the loop on. Changing the MIDI channel and changing the CC range are both very easy to do, and are detailed clearly in the Mini Effect Gizmo manual.

I got half succeed now:)

I set everything as you said in the foot controller. ( I am just doing one loop to let it work first: so IA SWITCH 06, cc#88, channel 02, which is the same channel as gizmo in, 0ff000 and on127)

Here is another confusion: when should I hold the write button and let the lights flash??

I hold the button when I am in the off/on setting, then I go to the perform mode, I kick the switch 6 , the loop 1 lights turns on:) (YEAH!!) then I kick it again, the light on the foot controller turns off, but the loop 1 doesnt...

Any suggestion??

Thank you:)
If you're using the IA buttons to control the loops, then the best thing for you do to is NOT use the Write button, but instead program the foot controller to turn on the loops you want for each preset. One most controllers, there's an "IA store" or "controller store" button that does this for you. I'm not sure what it's called for your controller.
Thanks for your helping:)

I will keep trying and hope one day, there will be a video about using mfc-101 and mini effect gizmo together.:)
Hi, I got another question herre: ;)

Say I program two switches to call on two loops. Do I need to set like off 000 on 064 for one and off001 on 065 for the other one, or just set them all like off000 on127???

Thank you:)
Switches should always be 000 off, 127 on. The CC number is the only thing that changes from loop to loop.