MIDI Clock


Well-Known Member
I'm having an issue with MIDI clock...

Here's a scenario...If I'm on a PBC song where the BPM is 100, and the TL is on preset 1, the TL is at 100 BPM...no problem, this is as it should be.

Then, let's say I switch to a PBC song without a tempo (0.0 BPM). For this new PBC preset the TL is going to change to preset 2 and preset 2 should be 50 BPM (as in, 50 is the pre-programmed tempo for preset 2 inside the TL). The TL changes presets, but it stays at 100 BPM. When I switch away from that TL preset (let's say to 3) and then come back to it, the tempo is correct, 50 BPM.

In other words, when the PBC is putting out master clock tempo for a song and then you change to another song where it shouldn't...it's like it puts it out (or doesn't STOP putting it out) until after it has already sent the new PC command to the TL. It's like the PBC needs to STOP sending the master tempo...THEN change the TL preset. The way it currently works, the TL changes presets and still sees the MIDI clock command for a split second...so it applies it to the new preset even though the PBC has stopped sending it.

Is there a way to add a slight delay, or change the order in which the commands happen to prevent this? (I know I can't do this, but I'm wondering if it can be done for 4.0).