Midi Confusion in CB Pedals in Preset Mode - PBC6x


Hi, I'm a user of PBC6x and I've been trying to solve the following issue

I use 5 Chase Bliss Pedals: Mood, Blooper, Brothers, Warped Vinyl, Bliss Factory.

I programmed my PBC6x, so I have a page for each of the devices - place where I can select their presets. This works very well, the midi commands are going through smoothly and devices respond well.

However, as soon as I go to song mode and select a preset within a song, the CB pedals start behaving weird and do not respond to my messages. I created a blank preset with no messages for a test and the pedals still blink as if they were getting commands.

In my pedalboard I also use 2 strymons but haven't noticed any weird behaviour in preset mode - they seem fine.

Does anything like that happened to anyone? Anybody has any ideas?
Make sure your buttons that select presets don't have Send on Preset Change turned on. Every button on every page that has Send on Preset Change turned on will send its messages every time you change presets. This will override any PCs specified in your presets.
I unchecked the Send on Preset Change on every button on every page but the problem persists. The pedals work well when addressed from specific pages dedicated to them but they don't work on preset mode.
Issue solved! it was indeed the Send on Preset Change box but I forgot there is a separate page to uncheck for all the buttons that have hold functions enabled.
Thank you RJM! This PBC is a real beast!!