MIDI help needed..

Andy Power

Well-Known Member
Hi all.
I’m using a Cymatic UTrack24 For a clicktrack to give extra Keys with my live band.
I would like to add some Axe III scene changes within the clicktracks to change my patches/scenes automatically. I have a GT16 hooked up and would like to keep it in the setup to have overall control over the Axe (as well as other units I use it to control). Would I be able to do this? Would I need a MIDI merge box or something to achieve this?
If the uTrack sends a patch/scene change to the axe will it show on the GT16?
Or more importantly, can it be done?
How are you generating the clicktracks?
Is it a midi file created in a DAW then imported into the UTrack?
Or is it midiclock from the UTrack or GT16?
How are you generating the clicktracks?
Is it a midi file created in a DAW then imported into the UTrack?
Or is it midiclock from the UTrack or GT16?

hi yes, I’m creating the MIDI files in Cubase and importing them into the uTrack.
Turning on MIDI Merge for the port that's connected to the UTrack will make the GT pass incoming MIDI messages on to the Axe-Fx.

If Poll State is turned on for the Axe-Fx device in the Devices tab, the GT will follow any changes made to the Axe-Fx.
Hi, not sure what you mean by ‘turning on the MiDI Merge for the port etc...???
I was just going to purchase a MIDI Merge box and have the single cable that comes from the Power Supply 2 into 1 box into the MIDI Merge then into the Axe fx, the UTrack would go MIDI out into the Merge box. And also take the thru from the merge box to the midi in for the lights. The Thru on the Axe is connected to the midi in of a vocal harmoniser which is controlled via the GT-16 - Is there another way?
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I was assuming that you'd use the GT as your MIDI merger - connect the UTrack's output to the Remote In port on the GT., then in MIDI Settings, turn on Merge: In. The GT will then act as a MIDI merger, outputting anything from the UTrack in addition to anything the GT itself generates.

But, your idea should also work.
ah, i see.
I don’t want to have any more long cables across the floor, all the new cabling will be at the back of the Axe.
The Gt-16 by the way is the most awesome and flexible pedal... absolutely amazing