
Active Member
This is probably a weird MIDI request, but hoping this can be done, and someone can help me do it.

I would like to create a Preset so that, when I choose it, Mastermind sends MIDI info to an attached keyboard and plays a particular note.

Here is the scenario: First off, my pedalboard setup is weird...below my guitar pedalboard I have a Roland PK5A basspedal, which I use to control my Korg Kronos keyboard. So I can play notes, samples or chords with my feet using the basspedals while a play guitar. Cool.

Now here is where Mastermind comes in: Sometimes I need to change presets, like going from clean to overdrive, at the same time in a song that I might be starting some synth backing. Currently I would switch to the desired preset and then quickly move my foot to the basspedals to press the desired note. It is clunky and the synth backing can end up coming in late. It seems that I should be able to program the Mastermind to send a MIDI signal to start that note right?

So can anyone tell me how to do this? I am not a MIDI expert and have figured out how to change banks and programs, but not sure how I could just send a message to play a certain note.

As a matter of example, what I would want to do is tell it to play F4 on MIDI channel 2 (that's the channel the Roland Basspedals transmit on).
So, digging around a bit I thought this would work:
1) Created a device called Kronos for my keyboard. Since my basspedals transmit to it on channel 2, I selected Channel 2
2) Created a Preset for the guitar solo. In that preset I created an Action, selecting Kronos as the device, Note as the command, and 65 for the F4 key, velocity at 127.

Tried this all out and nothing happens.
Are you running the latest firmware? (3.1.5) Prior to that, there was an issue that prevented notes from being sent on preset changes.
Are you running the latest firmware? (3.1.5) Prior to that, there was an issue that prevented notes from being sent on preset changes.
Just updated 2 weeks ago, so yes.

Have messed around with various settings. Under devices I have the Kronos set to midi channel 2, which is the channel it usually receives messages from the bass pedals on. Bank type is set to "No Banks".
OK...no, I was 3.1.4. Updated and it now works, thanks!

Any plans to allow Firmware updates through the Editor Software? Just curious...the back of my Mastermind is enclosed in my pedalboard. Would be nice not to have to open up to access the small USB jack to put a flashdrive in. (the large USB jack, used for connecting to a laptop, has an extender cable to a jack externally on my homebrew pedalboard for easy access). I guess there might be some female standard USB jack to large male USB jack that I could buy to hook the flashdrive to the existing large USB jack that I have easy access to?
Alternate upgrade methods are a possibility,but not currently on the schedule to be worked on

Check out usbfirewire.com - they have all sorts of adapter cables