MIDI LOOPs PC editor problem


Hi there,

I use PBC6X for midi/loop control for my board.

and my midi signal

PBC -> RJM midibox in -> midibox loops send -> DISASTER AREA midi clock -> Mercury x-> LVX -> MOBIUS -> H90 -> midibox return

when open and connet with unit's editor,

I can connect editors and units using only 1 usb cable with PBC's usb port.
(each editor connect each midi CH, and midi in out with PBC)

and I can see my preset on units and select preset,,

but cannnot overwrite and fix preset,, anyony have same problem??


  • 스크린샷 2024-12-04 오후 2.18.40.png
    스크린샷 2024-12-04 오후 2.18.40.png
    395.9 KB · Views: 2
  • 스크린샷 2024-12-04 오후 2.19.47.png
    스크린샷 2024-12-04 오후 2.19.47.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 2
We should be able to help you figure this out... Which device are you trying to edit?
We should be able to help you figure this out... Which device are you trying to edit?
I try Mercury X, LVX, Mobius
All of These 3 unit, can only read, choose preset / cannot overwrite something...

I took a video of these phenomena, but it's too big to attach to the forum.

dropbox link is video of these phenomena
I'm not sure why that's happening, but it might be due to one of the MIDI devices in the MIDI chain. If one pedal is corrupting MIDI data, then it will cause problems for all of them. I recommend trying to connect one pedal directly to the Mastermind' MIDI input and output and see if it works. If it does, add another pedal and try editing both. Keep adding until it stops working, then you've found the problem.
I'm not sure why that's happening, but it might be due to one of the MIDI devices in the MIDI chain. If one pedal is corrupting MIDI data, then it will cause problems for all of them. I recommend trying to connect one pedal directly to the Mastermind' MIDI input and output and see if it works. If it does, add another pedal and try editing both. Keep adding until it stops working, then you've found the problem.
I find problem

1) When configuring a loop - only mobius or strymon units no problem,
2) When configuring a loop - only meris units no problem,
3) When configuring a loop - strymon with meris, overwriteing problem!!!

when 1), 2) test with H90, no problem! (strymon + h90 or meris + h90)

only strymon with meris show problem!
Ok, this sounds like you'll have to ask Strymon or Meris about this. It seems like the pedals are interfering with each other.