midi tempo sync is off?


Well-Known Member
More whackiness with 1.4.5? It seems any patch that has a BPM tempo saved outputs 3BPM less that what was saved? I noticed this the other day with a patch on a POD HD Pro, but figured it was pilot error. It now appears to be pretty consistent. 80BPM on MMGT shows 16.9 on Axe, and 2 PODs that are connected.

Weird side note. I have the Axe connected to Axe Edit and it showed 77BPM even though the MMGT was set to 80BPM. As a test I edited the tempo on GT. Basically cleared out 80 and then retyped 80, after hitting save, Axe edit briefly went down to 74BPM or exactly 3BPM less. Can something in the save process be reducing BPM by 3?
I'll check that - when developing the feature, I tried with with various PC and Mac programs that measure tempo and my measurements were much closer, definitely +/- 1BPM. I will test again with 2.0.
Wow, interesting that it's so consistent in its wrongness. :-/ I will get to the bottom of it!
Re: midi tempo sync is off? - Miracle :)

The strangest thing (or maybe not), i had my mini amp gizmo and marshall jvm on the same midi channel. I was running into an issue with the CC information not being seen properly on preset change even though i had everything set up correctly. I decided i would try changing the midi channel of the amp gizmo to see if that would correct the issue. IT DID! But the real amazement happened when i tried the tap tempo..... It is suddenly spot on. I am running the mastermind gt22 as master midi clock into my axe fx and a tc nova system. They are both dead on. I'm not sure how this happened but it is working.