Mission VM-1


Well-Known Member
Hi Ron,

I recently purchased a VM-1 for my new PBC. The manual says that this "passive" volume pedal should be connected directly to the guitar, and not be placed later in the chain after pedals or buffers. The PBC buffers seem to be enabled by default, which suggests buffers are a good thing. (I've yet to google and study the reasons and benefits).

I would like to place the volume pedal after loop 6, before loop 7 (after compressors & drive pedals). So my question is, did I buy the wrong volume pedal or are all passive volume pedals basically the same? Is their opinion debatable? Does it not apply since I'm including it in your awesome device?

Thanks Ron,
There are low impedance and high impedance volume pedals, and they work better in different locations. From their description, the VM-1 must be a high impedance pedal. That said, there should be no problem using the VM-1 between loops 6 and 7. The purpose of buffers is to prevent bad interactions between pedals and other gear (loss of tone, etc.), and I don't imagine that there will be any problem between our buffers and the pedal.