MMGT Editor Manual


Active Member
Has there been an update to the MMGT Editor manual anywhere? I'm specifically looking for what the "send" command on a System / ExpPedal message does, but it would be nice to have a go to for other questions as well.

The "old" manual is here - - but it looks like the CSS is broken among other things and it's pretty hard to use. Thanks!
That wiki got seriously broken in a server upgrade, and it would be a lot of work to fix. I ran into all sorts of compatibility issues, my wiki relied on old code that's now obsolete. Instead of putting the time into fixing the old one, I've been working (slowly) on a replacement, it's coming along, probably about 2/3 of the way to a point where it would be good enough to open to the public.

In the meantime, I'll answer questions here...

The System / ExpPedal "send" value just forces the system to send a CC at the current pedal's position. So, if the pedal was currently at the 50% position, it would send a value half way between the minimum and maximum values.