My PBC is freezing up

I appreciate your quick turn around. I was clicking through all the settings menus Sunday night and it locked up on me when I hit the debug log option. Was this actually frozen, or was it trying to interface with some debugging tools on a computer that I wouldn't know about?
Actually, it's probably a bug in the debug log (oh the irony). I've kind of ignored that feature for quite a while, it might not work at all. I've planning to take the feature out in 4.0, it uses memory I could better use elsewhere.
The irony is pretty funny. Unnecessary information: this section peaked my curiosity because I am a software engineer (UI).
Ah, very good! I used the debug log a lot in the early days, but have left it behind. The kind of bugs I run into these days really needs a hardware debugger - the limited on board memory means I can't log enough information to be useful.