Page for write button control


Is there a way to set up a page and use the write buttons on the RG-16v2-Mini Amp Gizmo and Y-not so I can set each device and hold the write button on each on for quick programing? Lets say Page 2 :) I have the RG-16 on midi ch 1, Mini amp Gizmo on midi ch 2 and Y-not on midi Ch 3. The Rg-16 also controls the Bogner 20th XTC (amp cable) the Mini Amp Gizmo controls my Mesa Mk III and the Y-not A/B each amp or both.

I remember the Ground Control Pro was easier for me to edit 1 button and all the midi devices...for some reason I can't catch on to the Mastermind GT :?

Signed GT Challenged lol
Do you have specific instant access buttons that control loops on the RG-16 and switches on the Mini Amp Gizmo and Y-Not? Programming will be different depending on whether you do or don't.
rjmmusic said:
Do you have specific instant access buttons that control loops on the RG-16 and switches on the Mini Amp Gizmo and Y-Not? Programming will be different depending on whether you do or don't.

On the first page I have upper long row of buttons, each one for the RG-16 individual loop 1-6. Nothing in loop 7 or 8 at this time.

bottom row of buttons control RG-16 amp features 1 Ch Green ,2 BCh Blue, 3 Ch Red [ in Group 1] / 5 boost ch 1, 6 Boost ch 2and 3/ 7 effects loop Bogner 20th XTC

2nd row up from left ----> 1 Ch, 2 Ch, 3 ch [Group 2] Mesa Mk III Mini Amp Gizmo 2nd row 3 buttons on right side amp 1, amp 2, amp Both [Group 3] but for some reason when I use a button for both it turns on both then press again and both are off, and if both are on and I press one of the amp1/2 buttons it turns both of and I have to press it again to get either amp 1 or 2 on.

When I power up the MMGT 22 I have to press Page button to get it to go to Page 1 otherwise it does nothing. When I set up a 2nd page with "Preset" on bottom row it will go to page 1 when I press it?

On the Ground Control Pro I could load each device in a slot 1-16 and it seemed daily easy to edit each button so I could press 1 button and it would control everything. I know the MMGT is capable of that.... Im having a learning curve issue. Its me not the GT lol Each unit is under its own midi device number....RG-16 midi ch 1, Mini Amp Gizmo Midi ch 2, Y-Not Midi ch 4. That is all the Midi devices I have at the moment

All is backed up on thumb drive soooooo if you had a file for me to download with a few samples to open on the mmgt with 3 pages, a few presets and the RG-16 1-6 loops and mini amp gizmo and Ynot A/B AB functions still available ;)
If you could send me a copy of your file, I think I could get a better handle on what's going on. I could correct it and send it back to you at that point.
Ok, first thing is that you have page 2 set to come up for preset 1. That's why it comes up blank on power up.

Press the Page / Store button repeatedly until you get to page 1. Now, press and hold Page / Store and it will remember that page 1 should be visible when in preset 1.

I'll try to set up a working example soon. How many preset buttons do you need to be visible at one time?
just a couple so I can open then and see how they are set up. Thanks! Headed to my GT right now to correct the first issue.
Ok, here's a starting point. I trimmed it down to one page that has 6 preset buttons, bank up and down and a bunch of IA buttons. Some IA buttons are hidden under the preset buttons - press the IA Mode button on the GT (or the IA mode checkbox in the editor) to reveal them.

To program on the GT: Select a preset, then turn on the desired RG-16, Mini Amp Gizmo and Y-Not loops/switches using the GT's buttons. Then, hold the Page / IA Store button to store those settings to the current preset. Move to another preset and repeat.


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