PBC 6/X Issues


Well-Known Member
Been having some issues with my PBC6/X lately and wondering if there is anything that needs to get fixed. Here are the symptoms I've seen thus far:

- Occasionally LEDs will change color when they shouldn't. Example: I have a page dedicated to drive pedals. Sometimes I'll go to that page and it will indicate that a pedal is active that I know is bypassed. Pressing a different button on the page will usually (though not always) get that LED to update and reflect that the pedal is actually bypassed. (Note: I've asked about this issue before and was told it's likely a static electricity issue, and that I should tighten down the PBC bolts. I have tightened down all bolts and switches on the top panel, but am still experiencing the issue).
- I have a single momentary button connected to the AUX jack on the PBC. Normally it works without issue, but yesterday (during a live set) it triggered a completely different MIDI message than it was supposed to, (resulting in a glitch delay effect getting activated on my HX Stomp rather than a ramping tremolo).
- During the same set/song, my expression pedal (connected to the EXP jack on the PBC) started sending seemingly random MIDI messages. I had it set to volume at the time, and I ended up having to bypass it entirely it's behavior became so unpredictable.

As a note, resetting the power on my board seemed to fix everything for the time being, but I'd like to get this figured out so I don't need to reset my rig in the middle of a set...
I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. We have a better fix for static issues, contact me at support@rjmmusic.com.

The other issues are not things I have an answer for. That's not something I've had heard of in the past. It's possible that static scrambled the memory in the processor, which would explain why it seemed ok after resetting. If that's the case, the fix for the above would fix this as well.